
Thursday, August 20, 2020

I Have A Dream...

 Hello Bloggers, I'm Back today I am blogging about speeches. When I heard that we are writing speeches again. I freaked out, I am not the type of person that enjoys doing speeches. But anyway the class and I have sorta done a self portrait of ourselves and put 5 things from goal setting and Mental Toughness Tool kit. I will put my DLO below for you to see. 

Here is my Dream for how the speeches go... I hope that my speech is good I hope that I don't speak too fast and or start muttering.

While I was creating this drawing I thought about what my speech topic might be. The hardest part for me during speeches is going to be performing my speech.The easiest part is going to be learning the speech off by heart. I chose these tips for myself because I am really nervous for my speeches.

Have you ever created a speech and presented it before? How did it go? Did you feel nervous like me?

If you are writing a comment on this blog, you could choose to use these sentence starters - 

    POSITIVE - I enjoyed the part when...

    THOUGHTFUL - Did you think about... HELPFUL - Why did...


    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    Blog Commenting

     What I know about blog commenting.

    Make sure you use positive thoughtful and helpful. If they have asked a question in the blog then answer the question. Make sure that your punctuation is correct and check your grammar. Be Nice, Kind Respectful and be Safe. Don't share any personal info. BE POLITE! 

    Here is a Comment that show the things above.

    Hello .......,  Its Me Bridget. I like the way you have made a DLO and asked questions at the end. I Like the way you have introduced it well and added the link to the post. I might have a go at the Slide carnival. Is the Slide carnival a thing where you create a slide? Maybe Next time you could check that all the sentences have the right punctuation. But other then that...
    Good Job

    Here is some sentence starters

    This is the end. I hope you have learnt something about commenting.
    Did you enjoy this.
    Was my comment a good example?
    Was the sentence starters helpful?

    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Story Time

     Hello Bloggers,

     Today I am making up a story based on a Real Event. I am going
    to write about me riding my horse/ Learning to jump.

    Here We Go...

    That is the end 
    Part of this is made up but it is based on a true event.

    Did you like it???
    Do you want a part 2 ???
    Do you ride???
    What pets do you have if any>???


    Wednesday, August 5, 2020

    What is Resilience?

    What is Resilience?
    What do you think it is? Well today I will be telling you about Resilience.
    First I will give you a quote on Resilience and after that then a video of what resilience is and that is going to be in the DLO.
    Lets Get To It...

    I think that this quote means that you can look upon your past but in
    your future you can come back from things.
     That is what I think that the quote means.
    Now time for my DLO

    This is the END of the blog.
    Did you learn anything???
    Did you already know what Resilience is???
    The End 

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Steps to Create a Quality Comment

    Hello Bloggers,
    Its me I'm Back. Today I am blogging about how to do a quality comment online Safely. First I Will show you the DLO I have made and Hopefully I have taught you something by the end of this blog.
    Here we go...

    Did you enjoy this blog? 
    Did I teach you anything today?
    See you next time  

    James Clear

    Hello Bloggers,
     Today I am telling you about James Clear.
    James Clear is an author for the New York Times BESTSELLER Atomic Habits.
    First I will Tell you about one of the four tips to success. 
    So the one that I have chosen to tell you about is...
    Seinfeld Strategy - don’t break the chain
    Here are some good info/prompts 

    Here is my DLO on how you use the Seinfeld Strategy
    I hope you enjoyed learning about James Clear.
    Did You learn anything?
    Was this interesting?
    Bye for now