
Friday, February 24, 2017

Being a Yaldhurst hero means

Being a Yaldhurst hero means  Healthy individuals, enthusiastic learners, responsible citizens and open minded explorers. The past week we have been re learning what it means to be a YMS hero. In this video we have been  healthy individuals around the classroom. Grace and Bridget were being rubbish pickerupers , Julia was being an English Teacher, Chloe was eating healthy food, Lauren was being a nice Chromebook helper.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


On Wednesday we went sailing and it was really cool but scary at the same time when we were out in the middle of the lake.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

                                                                        On wednesday my class and I made vidos or slides about easy was to get around in your goole drive and here are sone tips on my one i did