
Friday, February 28, 2020

Finally a day of silence

Do you have a class of people that just keep interrupting. They wont stop talking.
Well that's what my class is like. Yesterday was the best day yet. Because all of the Yr 6 Whent to the PALS training so it was just the Yr 7&8.
Here is a DLO for what we learnt/ Did yesterday.

The thing that I still remember the most is Seek first to understand than be understood.
Do you know any of these sayings? Have your teachers taken you on a day like this?
If you have slightly annoying children in your class. In the nicest way? Well Bye for now see you next time.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Do I have more than 30 windows in my house??

Do you really think that that I can beat the number 30. Well I wasn't sure that I could until I counted  it and than did the maths because this is the homework blog that I have to do her is the instructions on what I have to do as well as my slide below.
Hope you enjoy!!!

Well that is pretty much all I have to say so I am about to say good bye 
How many windows do you have in your house? Did you beat my number? Comment down below to tell me your results. Can you double it than times it by two? 
Anyway bye for now see you next time.

Who are we???

Hello bloggers welcome back to my blog. 
Are we really who we think we are. The past couple of weeks we have been taking some tests.
To figure out who we really are. I have some results of who I really am, and at the end of this blog I will add some links and you can give them a go and see who you really are? Don't forget to save your results.
Here are my results!!!

It is slowly coming to the end so I hope you guys liked it 
because it takes me awhile to do this for you.
Did you get the results that you were expecting? If you did tell me below. Get your friend to do the test did they get the right answers.
Bye for now see you next time.


Monday, February 24, 2020

Here's what's cool in Rimu

Hello bloggers welcome back to my blog. 
Do you ever wonder why is school so boring or that class looks so boring? Well what I am about to talk about hooks onto the title. Because I am going to talk about Here's What's Cool. In Rimu we have a list that is pretty Much a list like a treaty kind of thing but with a different name. So here is a slide with all of the rules/treaty.
Well now it is time to round this blog post up so.
Today I tried had at making the slide interesting. So you guys would like it.
Would you put anything else on the Here's what's cool
Now It is time to say goodbye!!! 
Till next time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My first blog of the year!!!

Hello welcome back to my blog.
We have made it into the new decade. Welcome to my blog in 2020. 
Today I am blogging my home learning blog and it is about paying it forwards.
The way I did this was by making dinner for my family. Because Jo was home late and dad was getting ready to help me. The only thing that I needed help with was cooking the chicken for the wraps. 
So dad helped me do that.
Here is some instructions.